Matricula Education

Relative Density

Picture of Y Sekhar Palukuru

Y Sekhar Palukuru

The Hidden Force: Unraveling the Secrets of Relative Density in Fluid Mechanics


In the fields of physics and materials science, relative density is a fundamental concept that helps to understand the properties of various substances. Also known as specific gravity, relative density is a metric that determines the density of a substance relative to the density of another substance, often water. This article throws light upon the essence of relative density, its formula, SI unit, dimensional formula and its relation with density and specific gravity.

What is Relative Density?

Relative density is defined as the ratio of the density of a substance to the density of a reference substance, usually water. Mathematically, it can be expressed as:

Relative Density = Density of Substance / Density of Reference Substance

Relative Density Formula

The formula for relative density is straightforward. It is the quotient of the density of the material in question divided by the density of the reference substance. Mathematically, it can be represented as:

Relative Density (RD) = Density of Substance / Density of Reference Substance

SI Unit of Relative Density

The SI unit of density is the kilogram per cubic meter (kg/m²). Since relative density is a dimensionless quantity, it has no SI units. It is the ratio of two densities with the same units, resulting in the units canceling out.

The Dimensional Formula of Relative Density

The dimensional formula for relative density is simply [M^0 L^0 T^0] , where M represents mass, L represents length, and T represents time. This reinforces the concept that relative density is a unitless quantity.

Specific Gravity and Density Relation

Specific gravity is often confused with relative density, but they are closely related. Specific gravity is a special case of relative density where the reference substance is water. Thus, the specific gravity can be calculated using the formula:

Specific Gravity = Density of Substance / Density of Water

The relationship between specific gravity and density is clear in this formula. Since the density of water is constant, the specific gravity is essentially the ratio of the density of the substance to the density of water.


In conclusion, relative density is an important parameter in the world of materials science and physics. It provides insight into how dense a substance is compared to a reference substance, often water. The formula, SI unit, and dimensional formula of relative density explain its essential properties, and highlight that it is a dimensionless quantity. Furthermore, the relationship between specific gravity and density shows its practical applications in various fields. As scientists and researchers continue to explore the properties of various materials, the concept of relative density remains a cornerstone for understanding their physical properties.

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